Safe Routes to School (SRTS)

Health by Design aims to increase the number of students (and adults) who walk, roll, and bike to and from school by making it safe, convenient, and fun.

Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs are a way to improve the safety of children who walk or bicycle to school and promote active transportation options. A SRTS program begins with parents/guardians and administrators working with other community partners and public agencies to build new sidewalks; improve pedestrian crossings; teach children safer bicycling and walking skills; and promote healthier, more active lifestyles. In addition to promoting active lifestyles, walking and bicycling have significant benefits; among them:

  • Reductions in motor vehicle traffic and improved air quality

  • Enhanced social and community engagement

  • Improved student attendance, attention, and academic performance

Any school can participate in Safe Routes to School, regardless of whether they receive federal funding. A simple requirement is a dedicated group of parents/guardians, teachers, school administrators, and other community members who want to take actions to improve the walking and bicycling conditions near and around their school.

SRTS programs typically incorporate the Six E’s: evaluation, education, encouragement, engineering, engagement, and equity. Examples of activities include:

  • Participating in annual Bike and Walk & Roll to School Day events

  • Supporting walking and/or biking school buses

  • Installing a temporary (tactical urbanism) project or permanent infrastructure improvements in school zones

  • Incorporating pedestrian and cycling education programs into existing curriculums

In 2022, Health by Design received funding through the Indiana Department of Health’s Division of Health Innovation and Partnerships to support a statewide Safe Routes to School program in Indiana.

Our Safe Routes to School program includes:

  1. Mini-Grants to support SRTS activities

  2. Statewide Community of Practice

  3. Technical Assistance to inform SRTS efforts

  4. Data Collection and Evaluation

Contact Ashlyn Devine, Program & Policy Coordinator at for all things Safe Routes to School!

Safe Routes to School Mini-Grants

We are offering three rounds of mini-grants ranging from $2,500 to $10,000 to support a wide range of Safe Routes to School activities across Indiana. Individual schools/corporations, community organizations, and counties/cities/towns are all encouraged to apply. Activities eligible for funding include SRTS policy/action plan development, implementing a chosen project such as a Bike/Walk/Roll to School Day event or a temporary demonstration project to improve accessibility and safety around a school, in addition to other activities outlined in the application. 

Applications for the first round of funding are due March 7, 2025.
Award notifications will go out in March 2025.

Additional rounds of funding will be made available in Fall 2025 and Spring 2026.

Safe Routes to School Mini-Grant FAQ

Email a copy of your responses to the grant application questions, along with your two letters of support and any additional supporting documents, to Ashlyn Devine at Please include the subject line: “SRTS Grant Application – [YOUR ORGANIZATION]” and CC Anne-Marie Taylor (

No, the funds cannot be used for stipends or teacher/staff salaries. We recognize the importance of this type of funding, but we must adhere to federal/state requirements. Funding can be used to pay an external individual needed to complete a project, such as an artist for a street mural.

Costs for supplies and activities directly associated with the outlined SRTS project/program are eligible costs. Salaries and other related operating fees are NOT eligible for funding.

Pop-up, temporary demonstration (tactical urbanism) projects are eligible for funding. Certain permanent infrastructure projects, such as sidewalk installations/improvements, may be eligible for funding on a case-by-case basis.

No, applicants do not need to be a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Individual schools/corporations, community organizations, and counties/cities/towns are all encouraged to apply. We encourage any applicant to showcase their existing relationship with community-based organizations and local schools/school corporations in their application.

Based on the contracts drafted with each grantee, a certain percentage of the total grant amount can be advanced as a start-up cost. The remaining grant amount will be reimbursed.

Reporting requirements, including timelines and templates, will be tailored according to the details outlined in each grantee’s proposal. Each grantee will be required to submit a success story at the end of the grant cycle.

Community of Practice

We have launched a statewide Safe Routes to School Community of Practice to share information, best practices, and to support one another in our collective efforts to create safer and healthier school communities across Indiana. These meetings will also be used to facilitate funding opportunities and provide trainings to strengthen our collective capacity to achieve our SRTS goals.

When: 3rd Thursday of every other month beginning January 2025 at 1:30 P.M. ET

Where: Zoom – Register for all recurring meetings by clicking here

Technical Assistance

Whether you are just starting with Safe Routes to School or already have an established program in your community, Health by Design can provide technical assistance to support your efforts on a wide range of activities!

Please fill out the linked form to request technical assistance.

Data Collection and Evaluation

We are committed to understanding the landscape of Safe Routes to School activities in Indiana. By collecting and evaluating data on ongoing activities across the state, we can both highlight the impact of these activities and identify needs in our communities.

Please complete our statewide assessment if you are currently engaged in any type of Safe Routes to School activity.