Health By Design is actively recruiting for a new CEO - Click | Tap here for details

Our Work

Health by Design’s program and policy efforts are directed at increasing equitable, safe, accessible, convenient and connected options for walking, biking and public transit and encouraging responsible land use. Beyond those core program areas, we offer content expertise on the topics below and others.

  • Accessibility, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
  • Active Living
  • Complete Streets
  • Placemaking
  • Land Use and Transportation Planning
  • Safe Routes to key Destinations, such as Schools, Parks, Transit and Food
  • Vision Zero and Vulnerable Road User Safety

Active Living

Health by Design promotes active living, which is about integrating physical activity into everyday routines, such as walking to school or work or biking to the library or a park. Communities with transportation options and a mix of land uses encourage active living.


Health by Design supports efforts to make Indiana communities safe and friendly for bicycling and to provide education and encouragement to get more people riding.

Complete Streets

Health by Design provides leadership on Complete Streets, which are public rights of way designed and operated to enable safe access for everyone, regardless of age, ability or income. Pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and public transportation users are able to safely move along and across a complete street.

Health Equity

Health by Design is committed to incorporating a health equity lens into our processes and practices and is working to build awareness, understanding, capacity, and ability to address it.

Planning & Design

Health by Design is involved in transportation and land use planning and design efforts that improve the built environment for people regardless of whether they walk, roll, bike, or access transit. We also work to ensure implementation of existing plans and policies.

Safe Routes to School

Health by Design aims to increase the number of students (and adults) who walk, roll, and bike to and from school by making it safe, convenient, and fun. Safe Routes to School initiatives promote physical activity; enhance social and community engagement; and can improve attendance, attention, and performance.


Health by Design advocates for increased funding and policies that will expand and improve public transportation services (including buses, paratransit vehicles, commuter rail, passenger rail, and other transit options) throughout Indiana.


Health by Design champions making Indiana communities accessible, inviting, and safe for people walking and using mobility devices.